Reboot 2020 in Sydney and New South Wales, One Adventure at a Time
SYDNEY, June 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Destination NSW today releases its list of top NSW travel experiences, 213 Ways to Reboot 2020 in NSW, so travellers can make the most of the 213 days that remain in the year and start planning their ultimate trip to Sydney and New South Wales. Supporting the latest phase of the NSW Government's tourism recovery campaign, Now's The Time to Love NSW, the list of 213 NSW travel adventures depicts an array of diverse and unique experiences across the state, curated by the travel interest areas that have made NSW the number one Australian state for holidaymakers. As part of this latest phase, Destination NSW will also be executing a social media campaign targeted to the international markets of the USA, UK, New Zealand and India, which will showcase inspirational destinations from around Sydney and NSW, to help consumers with their future dreaming and planning. "We hope that this list of NSW travel experiences encourages global visitors ...