Kantar, Indonesia Urban Brand Footprint 2020: Top FMCG Brands that have been chosen by Indonesian consumers

FYI: Indomie continues to be number one chosen brand in Indonesia Urban  Brands Ensure Growth Using Key Levers Based on Evolving Consumer Needs JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Kantar Indonesia, Worldpanel Division announces the launch of the 2020 Indonesia Urban Brand Footprint Ranking. Brand Footprint is an annual study by Kantar that measures which brands are the most chosen ones by consumers. Brand Footprint covers FMCG sectors, e.g. food, beverages, home care, dairy, health and beauty products. Indonesia Urban ranking covers 85% of total Urban households and represents 30 million within the urban areas of Indonesia.   Venu Madhav, General Manager of Kantar Indonesia, Worldpanel Division shared that "Opportunities for brands to grow is there; however, brands cannot afford to expect growth to happen organically. Brands will still need to ensure that they remain relevant to the consumer and earn their growth". Key findings of Brand Footprint Indonesia Urban: Local brands manage to establish stronger presence, where 4 of the top 5 brands are coming from local manufacturers. Local players' ability to adopt fast to the latest consumer trends enable them to be more productive in launching new innovations to the local market. Food category dominates the top 10 ranking, whilst top players To keep reading about Kantar, Indonesia Urban Brand Footprint 2020: Top FMCG Brands that have been chosen by Indonesian consumers, Click on the link. Seoul, Korea


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