When business and friendship mix: The winning recipe

Setting boundaries was key to nurturing their business while maintaining their treasured friendship. Right from the start, they introduced an unusual tool: a code word to help them keep their personal and business lives separate. Before any private chats they’d simply utter a single word: “personal”. The pair have worked hard on their communication over the years. “A business partnership is like a marriage – you have to let stuff go all the time,” says Danni. “We realised the most important thing we can do is be honest with each other, and for the other person to be open to those comments. And we talk about things quickly, so that frustrations don't build up.” The women also clearly defined their roles within the business from the beginning, recognising the complementary differences in their personalities, skillsets and management styles. In general, Alisa says she’s quite conservative, while Danni is a more of a risk-taking, full-steam-ahead person. If the two don’t agree on something, neither of them has the authority to make the final decision. Normally they compromise, but when they find themselves at a stalemate they have a trusted group of experts they can go to for advice. “We trust ourselves To keep reading about When business and friendship mix: The winning recipe, Click on the link. Seoul, Korea


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